Mandera All CUPE members work under the protection of a collective agreement called a collective agreement. Your local union negotiates the terms of the agreement. Elected local union leaders also work with the employer to resolve workplace issues. If you want a copy of your collective agreement on paper, talk to your trustee. If you don`t know who your administrator is or how to contact your office, contact the CUPE office near you. If you think there is a violation of the collective, central or local agreement, there is a process to refer it to the local executive. There are deadlines to meet, so don`t hesitate! Click here for more information If you have questions about your rights in the workplace, the best person you can talk to is your steward or local leader. You will know the details of your agreement. Create an employment alert for the hospital in leamington ontario It is your professional responsibility to report to your employer precarious care/care for patients. The workload report form itself is not a complaint for professional responsibility, but the beginning of a paper trail to identify and highlight ongoing problems that require a response from your employer. It serves as proof of your identification of patient safety issues to your supervisor and provides you with documents if you are in an unfortunate situation to respond to the College of Nurses Complaints and Disciplines Commission.
Click here for more information Whenever you are not working due to injury or illness, it is important to contact the locals. Our framework will help you make your return to work safely easier by working with you and the Manager to develop a return to the order of work that meets your specific needs. Our framework also supports the safe return of nurses who were unemployed due to a prolonged operation or illness. Health and safety is everyone`s responsibility. If you identify a danger, it should be reported. To inform Local 8 Health and Safety Officer of a hazard, click here to fill out a form. Click here to send current local collective agreement executives email notifications regarding new jobs matching your search. You can unsubscribe at any time.