Public Sector Network Agreement【27789155305】-buy-universal-ssd-chemical-solution-in-south-in-lagos/ In 2017, the Technology and Digital Network (TDLN) agreed that the UK government would review the role of the Public Service Network (NSP). It is the government network that helps public sector organizations cooperate, reduce duplication and provide resources in common. Public sector organizations can access NSP-compliant services through the NSP. Use our NSP-compliant list of services to find out what services are currently available and which services are in operation in accordance with the NSP. Commercial service providers may sell services to public sector organizations on the NSP, but the service must be in compliance with the NSP. Service providers can learn more about how to become a provider of goods and services to the public sector through Crown Commercial. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) intends to establish a framework for the provision of basic Utility Network (NSP) services that will enable the government to send information electronically and securely. The framework replaces two basic services currently provided by the state`s GSI-Convergenceframework (GCF), which are provided under 2 Lots: PSN Domain Name System (DNS) and PSN Relay messaging services (including email hygiene). The framework is used by or on behalf of the entire UK public sector and associated agencies and agencies, the voluntary sector, charities and/or other private organisations that act as administrative representatives or provide public services on behalf of the public sector. The PSN compliance process takes place only once a year and only covers the IT environment within the NSP. The NSP does not guarantee the continuity of system security across the public sector. About the author: Graeme Tizard, Portfolio Manager and Operations Lead f-r Network – Infrastructure Systems bei Thales in the UK.

Graeme is responsible for implementing projects and programs that ensure the safety, integrity and resilience of networks that are essential for public sector and defence clients in the UK. To contact the author for more information, please email [email protected] Note: All NHS organizations must purchase HSCN connectivity services through HSCN compliant providers via Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) for this contract. HSCN is the data network that replaces N3. 24/04/2016 – Expired – This contract has expired. Take a look at the Network Services 2 replacement agreement – RM3808. We manage the day-to-day operations of the NSP and ensure that it is a secure network for users by monitoring the compliance process. We are part of the Government Digital Service and we are based in Aldgate, London. The network strategy proposed under the OCJR recommended the creation of specific networks on the basis of these interest groups, brought together by data exchange gateways that support common standards. This approach would involve establishing networks based on the type of data and business functions such as criminal justice, health and social assistance, defence and intelligence services or public finances, and not just at established departmental boundaries.