Catholic Education Collective Agreement l) For the purposes of this process, calendars reflect calendar days, with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays or public holidays. However, the parties may extend the deadlines by mutual agreement and such a request for an extension of time is not rejected inconsistently. The arbitrator has the power to extend the deadlines in agreement with the parties. 1.6 The Department reserves all management rights, unless otherwise stated in this collective agreement. 3.3.1 The assessment of a teacher`s higher education is determined by the association`s teacher qualification department. If the evaluation is not possible at the beginning of the service, the teacher is placed in the “D-minimum” in the basic salary plan until the assessment is received. 2.5.1 Notwithstanding section 130 of the Labour Code, when a notice of opening of centralized negotiations has been notified, a collective agreement that came into force between the parties at the time of notification continues to apply despite a termination date in the collective agreement until (b) the transition committee meets to decide the matter and will communicate its decision in writing to the parties to the collective agreement. and, if necessary, mediator. 2.2.2 In the absence of an agreement, the matter is decided by arbitration at the end of the PECBA. (c) the parties may, in a particular case, accept an alternative arbitrator and complete or remove the list of arbitrators by mutual agreement. (a) A division concerned corrects any non-compliance with the collective agreement.

b) A service concerned pays damages to the association, teachers or teachers involved, or both. c) TEBA and the association take measures deemed fair and proportionate by the arbitration body. 13.4 During this secondment, the department retains the teacher`s regular salary, applicable allowances and contributions required by the collective agreement and provides legal dues on behalf of the teacher. The association reimburses the department for all payments made by the department to the teacher or on his behalf, even though they have been detached in accordance with this clause.